Fort William to Invergarry (June 4th)

That was a long hot hike.
After Clunes the trail moves up the hillside into forest again giving a nice mixture of environments, true it adds some climbs and at times obscures the view, but when breaks in the forest occur the views across and along the loch are stupendous, i was particularly curious about the position of trees on the opposite slope where they seem to like growing along the edge of water worn gullies.

At times looking back  i could still see the snow speckled peaks of the nevis family.
I am amazed at the solitude on this named trail (hikers and cyclist combined less than ten).
At Laggan locks tea found at the eagle floating pub

which is also a bunk house but was fully booked as was laggan hostel, phone call gained last bed at invergarry hostel and the shop at (well of the seven heads) was open so hunger abated. This was a splendid day 🙂

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