Kinlochleven to Fort William (June 2nd)

Nice warm night in the tent, (dry but still windy which eased later).

Early away on the trail and quite the climb out of Kinlochleven which soon provided a great view looking back over the town.


Amongst more misty mountains, some open moor and forest, now for a sweet decent for a pot of tea.

A wander around fort william proved all services available but it was a bit over powering having so many people and so much traffic around .

A real suprise was seeing a steam engine in the railway station preparing for a run to Mallaig.

The pennine way is rightly considered a fantastic challenge and spectacle, i have to say the west highland way tho shorter is really something to enjoy and i feel very lucky to have done this, the company has also been excellent, i now know a little about the mountains and understand why people go munro bagging.

Presently in youth hostel so the feet get an evening out of the boots and oh joy a bed.

managed to empty my camera onto the flickr feed  and look forward to updating posts at first opportunity with photo’s and commentary oh i could get boring going on about the raw beauty but it really has been fantastic.

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