Melrose to Peebles (May 25th)

Overcast, sunny intervals : hot at times.
Good hostel, early break fast of sandwiches and pine apple then on the trail 7.30
Follow river tweed then small roads, met a local hiker who helped plant the forest where i was going.

At fairmile the tea shop was closed but what a beautiful spot for taking a rest stop next to the old bridge.


The Southern upland way is a long uphill climb from here to the three bretheren cairns.

The trail now turned from forest to open moorland until near minch moor.

At one point a piece of modern art has been carried out on the moorland (unless it was aliens).

At last high point i stopped for another snack while bumbble bees buzzed around, a buzzard was soaring over the wooded valley and a wood pecker was hammering out a tune, couldnt ask for much more.
At Cadrona found tea shop at old railway station where amazingly the lady told me of a campsite in peebles and the street name it is on, so that’s where i am now.

 Just another great day.

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