Horton in ribblesdale to Hawes (May 13th)

Frost, clear sky clouding over later and waterproofs needed to keep the cold wind out.
Breakfast at the pen y ghent cafe and onto the pennine way where i soon caught up with two retired americans who i had met in a pub the previous evening.
They were both called Bill and augmented the walk searching for geocaches, so yet another new experience for me as we took what was an easier day terrain wise than yesterday.

It was a pretty straight forward climb over moorland, with many pretty streams and bridges,

Another day of fantastic views including the distant ribblehead viaduct.

The last 3 miles not well signed but otherwise easy to find. The youth hostel had been booked by a school party same as malham and so wouldn’t accept hikers (not impressed) so found warm refuge in a B+B, the town includes the Wensleydale cheese factory but we pass these places generally not when they are open, found a chip shop which so far produced the least for most money (must be a tourist area), but they were tasty and set me up for an early night (no problem sleeping after hiking).

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