Hebden bridge to Earby (May 10th)

Cloudy, cool, drizzle sleet at times improving during afternoon.
Headed north out of hebden bridge following river passing an oldmill

through hardcastle crags, all in woodland and babbling river really beautiful. One thing i notice by the stream was part of a tree trunk with hundreds of coins pressed/hammered into it’s surface.

connect with pennine way further up stream where for the second time i had the compass problem i had been warned about in that being in a valley with apparently magnetic rocks the compass just wanted to nose dive in any direction so was of no use for a while, so it was features (small woods) on the map that got me on track. 

From the reservoirs the route was  well signed,and  luckily over the top is trail of limestone slabs, it got really cold there as the eternal head wind was throwing sleety snow at me.
At top withens i got into the ruins for a sheltered sandwich and was immediately accosted by sheep that wanted to share my food, guess they do well hassling hikers.
Soon after found a pub for pot of tea and get warm (found here the mobile wouldn’t work (no signal) but luckily pub had a public phone to find accommodation), then took a mixture of trails and small roads edging west to Earby youth hostel.

Just before the hostel i found a brilliant chip shop that cooked to order and their home made fish cake (with chips) was just divine, the hostel was lovely and only two of us staying there which seemed amazing.
Seen grey wagtail, oyster catcher, pewit, for me the curlews are just a great sight and sound, also grouse.

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